lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

cinemadamare 2007

CINEMATABARES went to cinemadamare in the summer of 2007, and I have to say it was a good festival to join and enjoy...filmmakers from all around the world along together to make films.
We enter in weekly competitions and Cinematabares won 2 of 3 competitions.
Thank you to all of you participants of this festival.

"te caldo, under the moon"
This is the presentation of the caracters for the following short film.

"The freddo , la maledizione"

Shoot in Acireale, a beautiful village in Sicily, Won the weekly competition.
Special mention to Lorna Lau, Dorit Agater and Maddalena Monge.

'The deteinato"

Written by Giorgio Galieti and directed and edited by Cinematabares, this short film was shoot in Nova Siri, South of Italy during the festival, and it won the weekly competition.
Introducing Emanuela Robustelli, as the main actor here..

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