domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

darklight 2008

just a quick note.
"Airport" and "Nicotine" will be shown next Sunday 29 at the lighthouse cinema at 4 pm.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

darklight 2008

el festival darklight que se celebra en Dublin ha seleccionado dos de los cortos de cinematabares, "Airport" y "Nicotine" , con lo que tendremos el placer de presentarlos ante una audiencia festivalera...yupieee.
~Coincidiendo con la noche en que se inaugura el festival darklight en Dublin, Cinematabares estara atendiendo la premiere del film "Respect" en Dun laoghaire , donde tambien se mostrara nuestro documental realizado sobre el mismo film.

We are honored to announce that Darklight has selected two of our short films, "Airport" and "Nicotine" for this year festival...

the Festival will be place in filmabase, ifi and the lighthouse cinemas, the last weekend of june, for three days, from the 27 to the 29 of June, and on the 27 night, Cinematabares will be also hosting the premiere of the short film "Respect" and it will shown also our documentary "Respect, the making of...."

So going to be a busy end of june....yupieee!!

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

the right choice

"The right choice" shoot in Toscana, Italy 2008

gay friendly

"Gay friendly" was shoot in Rome in 2008, thank you to Kate Morgan, Veronica Cavagnini, and Francesca de Lisi.
The film is being selected for Cinemadamare 2008 festival, wish the best of luck for it!!
Its an experimental work as you can see and for the first time , cinematabares talks...

no vat 2008

Documentary shoot in Rome in 2008.

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

passion victim

"Passion Victim" 2007
grazie Vale, Irene e Vero, grazie a tutti quelli da brescia

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

"respect", the making of...

"Respect, the making of..."
dedicated to the service users of enabled ireland

this is a documentary shoot during the filming of the short-film "Respect"

summer 2007


"los toros de Argelita"
documentary about reality and traditions in a small village from Spain, Argelita.
Thanks a million to all the kids who helped me to make this video during the summer of 2007.



Surrealistic short film shoot in Wicklow mountains , Dublin in 2007
Thank you to Dave Martin and veronica Cavagnini.

cinemadamare 2007

CINEMATABARES went to cinemadamare in the summer of 2007, and I have to say it was a good festival to join and enjoy...filmmakers from all around the world along together to make films.
We enter in weekly competitions and Cinematabares won 2 of 3 competitions.
Thank you to all of you participants of this festival.

"te caldo, under the moon"
This is the presentation of the caracters for the following short film.

"The freddo , la maledizione"

Shoot in Acireale, a beautiful village in Sicily, Won the weekly competition.
Special mention to Lorna Lau, Dorit Agater and Maddalena Monge.

'The deteinato"

Written by Giorgio Galieti and directed and edited by Cinematabares, this short film was shoot in Nova Siri, South of Italy during the festival, and it won the weekly competition.
Introducing Emanuela Robustelli, as the main actor here..

la ventana del amor

El amore, que bonito el amore...
Gracias a Paolo y Jordi por monstrarse asi mismo tal y como son...

A horror film

Queriamos hacer un corto de terror, y asi salio este hibrido entre sustos y risas...

We wanted to do a horror short film and eventually we made this video
thank to Sandra Reillo.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

Carlos Benedito Tabares

Con siete anyos , ya eres un genio... gracias por hacernos reir y compartir conmigo tu talento..
te quiero...
Only seven years of age and you are so amazing, I love you baby...thank you for all...

"Superman" 2008

"Charlot y la guitarra" 2007
tribute to charlie chaplin who Carlos and I love a lot

"Carlos desapareciendo" 2006

"Playing" 2005

violencia domestica

"Violencia domestica" 2006

El recuerdo principal de este video , como en tantos otros ha sido la cantidad de risas que nos echamos grabandolo. Se rodo en Sicilia en el 2006, con la colaboracion de dos grandisimas actrices como son, Laura Damiani, e Irene baldo..y una indiscutible ayudante de direccion, Veronica Cavagnini.
Gracias por meteros tanto en el papel y ser asi de naturales y divertidas...
Besos y buena suerte...


'The creation of man" 2006

"The creation of the world" 2007

"la moraleja del caracol" 2008

y nacio ella la mas bella


Y aqui toda la familia dando la bienvenida a Sandra, mujer de gran caracter como se puede ya apreciar.
Gracias a mis primos, primas, tios, tias, a mi madre a mi hermana y sobretodo a mi abuela Adela por su brillante aparicion.
Gracias a Sandra por haber nacido , gracias por darnos tantos momentos felices
te quiero...

darklight 2006

Documental rodado en DUBLIN en 2006, durante el festival darklight.
A continuacion algunos de los cortos de CINEMATABARES que fueron seleccionados para dicho festival.

"darklight doc."

"otto" 2005

"Los Pterodactylus" 2005

"A film about needs and dreams" 2006

Animacion creada como storyboard del film "The Evolution".
Por una parte tuve que hacer miniseries de cortos mudos en blanco y negro , porque "The evolution" va de ese royo, y por otra parte tuve que contarles la historia, no se me ocurrio mejor idea que dibujar esta magnifica storyboard , que asi misma fue seleccionada para el

contenta me puse yo....


Audiovisuals ....creado para una fiesta muy especial, y ahi estan todos los que son...
gracias a todos por estar ahi...
espero que os guste


Thanks to Nico for his acting and to Charis Saitis compositor of the music..Amazing!!!